Monday, January 31, 2011

Yellow Teapot - SOLD

"Yellow Teapot", 10 x 10 In, Oil on Museum Board
This little teapot was another item I got the other day at the antique co-op. Other than mugs, a lot of the still life items I have are pretty colorless, and I like to paint items with intense color. But I really struggled to find color harmony with this painting.


  1. I like the yellow teapot! Your painting is really nice with the yellow and blue and those touches of red. Well done!

  2. The paint application is.... I just love the way you lay down the paint. Very nice.

  3. I adore this teapot and the way you painted it. Tried to comment on it yesterday and internet was not as happy with me as I was with your painting. Beautiful and Interesting!

  4. Thanks for everybody's comments! It is strange how from one day to the next the paintings are more or less of a struggle.
