Sunday, January 9, 2011

Small Bean Pot

"Small Bean Pot", 10 x 12 In, Oil on Museum Board
For those who asked about the Peggi Kroll Roberts DVD's--I bought the first set last year in order to do the exercises before going to Peggi's workshop. The second arrived a few days ago and so far I'm still working on the limited palette variations--two colors with white. I think what Peggi says in the video is true--that you could do color charts to explore the issue of warm/cools/values using a limited palette, but that doing these exercises with a still life setup has more lasting impact. I believe these exercises are totally appropriate for any level of painter because they teach or reinforce basic elements of painting. This painting is not from the exercise--at least not directly.

Purchase this unframed painting.
Contact me if you would like to purchase a plein air frame.


  1. Hi Kathryn, I'm so glad you mentioned the PKR exercises you're doing. Color mixing has been such a challenge for me; I've wondered what exercises to do to better understand it. I couldn't get my head and heart into the color charts (which I abandoned). Thank you!

  2. Love this still life painting. Great colors as always.

  3. It's a lovely grouping. Do I detect the Morandi influence here? It's really nice.

  4. Thanks for all your comments! I'll comment on the Morandi influence in my next post!
