Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pitcher and Pear

"Pitcher and Pear", 9 x 12 In, Oil on Panel
Its strange how using a big bristle brush clears the mind.

Purchase this unframed painting.
Contact me if you would like to purchase a plein air frame.


  1. There are those gorgeous soft and correct value colors again- love those. Favorite part- the little bits of so pretty color on the handle and to the left of it and at that!
    So, how big was this brush?- strokes are wonderful!

  2. I agree with Kathy, this is so wonderful! I need to use bigger brushes I think! I always wonder what other artists consider "big" though on certain canvases? For this 9x12, what do you consider a "big" brush? Thanks for sharing this beautiful painting!

  3. I like the minimal-ness of this painting. Nice thick paint.

  4. Gorgeous! I was thinking I wish I could paint like that!

    I'd like to know also about the brush you used.

  5. Love your edges, and always the way you apply paint.

  6. Thanks to everyone who commented on this painting--sometimes I get so immersed in getting the anatomy of the object correct (as I have a bizarre tendency to skew everything), that bringing out the big brush and just slapping on the paint is a big relief!
