Friday, July 16, 2010

Box Creek -- NFS

7/16/10 "Box Creek", 9" x 9", Oil
We went up to Lake Kachess Wednesday, a large mountain lake-resevoir created by a dam in a series of Cascade Mountain lakes that feed the Yakima River.  Standing by this creek in the mountain air, my brain began working again with some of the concepts that I studied the week before.  What got it all going was doing timed paintings with a friend--a strategy that focuses the mind and frees the hand.  At 35 minutes we stopped, 5 minutes past the goal.


  1. I love it - makes me remember being there. I've really enjoyed reading your blogs! You have completely inspired me...I will continue to be a "follower".

  2. Kristina--it was so much fun painting with you--I'll try to come up to Buckley some time at the end of August or September.
