Monday, April 9, 2012

Self Portrait - NFS

"Self Portrait", 9 x 7 In, Oil on Museum Board
Every once in a while I do a series of self-portraits and most of them are variously tortured--too detailed or over done. But this one was a quick sketch and for that it became interesting to me.


  1. I REALLY love this one. I see can your different approach and the painting itself is really fabulous. My fav so far.

  2. Kathryn, this is beautiful and very expressive. I love the softness and the wisp of hair just makes the composition. Did you do it in the mirror or from a photo? Looks to me like it's live, you seem to be staring right into my eyes.

  3. Thank you Julie and Bobbi! I almost always do the self-portraits with a mirror--can't remember doing one from a photo. Its a strange exercise!

  4. After trying several times to paint a self portrait I know how difficult it is. I really like the looseness and expressive brushstrokes and you have inspired me to have another go.
