Friday, May 21, 2010

Little Tahoma - NFS

5/21/10 "Little Tahoma", 8" x 10", Oil
This painting is, of course, of an icon of the Northwest. Little Tahoma is one of the landmark outcrops on the slopes of Mt. Rainier, which is traditionally called Mt. Tahoma. But mainly this painting is about creating a simple value structure. Sometimes when I take a photo of my painting, I check it in gray scale in Photoshop to see if I managed the values. Here is the gray scale image:
Possibly the foregound meadow could have been a little lighter, but the rest works pretty well because the focus is the aerial perspective.


  1. It's beautiful! Great idea about the grayscale test. I usually don't think to do that, but should be more diligent about it.

  2. Great piece Kathryn! John Carlson would probably concur on the lighter foreground comment, he's pretty adamant it should be the second lightest plane on a day with normal lighting conditions, but I think in color this reads really well. Perhaps it's that the warmth of the green is enough to balance the darker value, or the fact that the ground is sloping away from the light...
