Monday, May 31, 2010

Harstine Island

5/31/10 "Harstine Island", 8" x 8", Oil
A break in the incessant rain brings paradise in the Pacific Northwest.  Thank you again to everyone who voted for me on the Daily Painters Contest.  I made it to the top 10 and this round of voting is open until June 8.  There are some artists way out ahead with votes, but if you'd like to help me give a good showing, then go to the contest page and vote for me.  Remember that it is the number of votes that count, not the star rating.


  1. Congrats on making it to the Top 10 Kathryn!

  2. Hi Kathryn,
    I just found your blog through Liz. Love your style! Great blog!

  3. Gwen--thanks! Good luck on the contest!
