Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mousehole Wharf Houses

"Mousehole Wharf Houses", 9" x 9", Oil on Museum Board
Mousehole (pronounced Mauzel), is a small picturesque fishing village on the far South East coast of Cornwall. These wharf houses were right on the harbor.  The harbor is enclosed by a left and right jetty and when the tide goes out, the entire bay is emptied of water and the boats are high and dry on the tideland. This painting sort of has the feeling of a "Wuthering Heights" but in actuality, the harbor has a very energetic and colorful feeling.  A guy came by where we were painting and was holding up his fingers framing a view the way artists do.  I asked him if he were a painter and he said no, he was a photographer, and just wanted to get an idea of what was so interesting about what we were painting.  He didn't seem to think too much of it! But part of the reason we were there was it was very windy and we found a little niche behind a bulkhead sticking out onto the beach out of the wind.


  1. These landscapes are great. I really like the feel of Mousehole Wharf Houses.

  2. Love it, Kathryn. Very Ashcan in the best sense...

  3. Thank you for sharing these landscapes in your paintings. I like the atmosphere of Daphne Du Maurier, I remember the chilly mornings in April, in Mousehole, with the cries of seagulls.
