"Zangle Cove Winter Morning", 9 x 12 In, Oil on Museum Board
This is the last of the Zangle Cove paintings that I posted on Facebook for the 5 painting challenge. I hope you all did not mind that I also took the opportunity to highlight the issue of the proposed industrial geoduck farm in Zangle Cove.
I honestly wish this were not an issue and that the time I spend writing letters to Thurston County, the Department Ecology, the US Army Corps of Engineers and Governor Inslee about the permit could be spent in my studio. But it is both an important local issue for Zangle Cove and a Puget Sound wide issue. This painting shows the exact location in the Cove where over 43,000 10 inch long, 6 inch wide PVC pipes will go--one per square foot stomped into the tideland when the water is low. Thank you all for listening!