Saturday, August 21, 2010

Watmouth Bay -- SOLD

8/21/10 "Watmouth Bay", 8" x 10", Oil 
Watmouth Bay is the most idyllic painting spot on Lopez Island--a swath of sandy beach in a beautiful sparkling cove.  One of my friends was in the painting doldrums, so I suggested we do 30 minute paintings--a very good way to break through that barrier.  This was the first of my 30 minute paintings.  It is currently at a show at the Crow Valley Pottery on Orcas Island.


  1. Another great one Love the light on the far cliff.

  2. 30 Minutes? I love the freshness and I suppose that's why. You really captured the wonderful warm light as it draped itself on the scenery...

    Just lovely.

  3. Thank you all for the comments. Its interesting how every painting has a such a strong memory of place, who I was with and how I was feeling--
