"Wallowas", 9 x 12 In, Oil on Museum Board, 2011
This is an older painting from 2011. I have been taken with the Wallowa Mountains in Northeastern Oregon since we stayed there years ago in a little town called Halfway. We drove into town as the sun was setting. It was so beautiful I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!
Halfway, Oregon
If you are fascinated by geology, like me, go to this website:
Wallowa Mountains
And for a further dose of geology--read the NPR article on the Grand Canyon. I listened to it yesterday on the radio while painting. According to the author, the Grand Canyon on "...the Colorado Plateau —130,000 square miles — there's really no place on Earth that even approximates what we have right here in the southwestern part of the United States.”
This brought back more memories--in my 20's I backpacked down to the bottom of the Canyon from the South Rim and then west along the Tonto Platform to Hermit Creek. And I've been three times on raft painting trips from Lee's Ferry through the Inner Gorge.
Grand Canyon National Park Centennial
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contact me if you have questions.